人生畢業禮(24)_沒有任何一人能夠為此幻象負責 (中)

提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 日期: 2009/2/2 18:04:02 閱讀: 37

摘要: 現在你知道,為何「寬恕」是覺醒的基本要素,又為何是《奇蹟課程》的核心了吧。它能撤銷你的評判,使你的弟兄不再因著你對他的評判而始終陷於他與天父分立的那個個體身份。你看到了嗎,每個人都要別人負起責任來。人們希望你為自己那「有意義」的工作負責,其中暗示著你有責任把自己變成更有價值、更可信靠的人,過著有意義、能奉獻的人生。然而,這不過是個煙幕彈而已,他們其實也要你為自己的罪咎與負面行為負責。


Raj:  No, Paul.  You give permission to Know by desiring to Know.  And the manner in which you find it easiest to Know something is to ask a question.

Paul:  I guess the simplest question would be, can you speak to the issue of accountability?

Raj:  With pleasure.





The only things one can be accountable for are his own creations.  And the only one someone can be accountable to, is someone other than himself, because left to oneself one simply experiences the fullness of Life as It unfolds Itself—one experiences the fullness of his Being as It unfolds Itself.  Therefore, Paul, accountability is an ego dynamic brought into play by the belief that one is a personal, private creator, separate from the Movement of Creation, Itself, which only God is responsible for.



Now, it is essential to understand that it takes two to play the game of Accountability.  In the Allegory in the third chapter of Genesis, Eve tasted the apple and found it good to be eaten.  There was not immediately shame or guilt.  It was when she offered it to Adam and he ate of it that they found themselves, together, experiencing shame.  In other words, Eve, in her relationship with the Father, was not judged of the Father.  This is an important point.  There were not two present, acting in concert in disobedience to the Father.  There was just the Father and Eve.  There was the Father and his Self-expression.



Guilt is an impossible experience in one's relation with the Father, even if one seems to be acting independent of the Father.  You see, at this point a joining in the act of disobedience had not occurred, and therefore a joining in agreed-upon disobedience had not occurred.  The only relationship existing, still, was that of the Father and His Self-expression, which was still pure.  No joining in delusion had occurred because the Father cannot relate to his Self-expression in a deluded manner.  Just as there is no guilt in the presence of the Father, there also is no experience of shame.  And this is why, as one approaches the Father, no matter how far off track that one seems to have gotten, there is an absolving of guilt and shame.

聖子在與天父的關係中,是不可能經驗到罪惡的,即便他好似做出了與天父分立的舉動。你瞧,在此節骨眼上這個違逆行為尚未聯盟,也就是說,沒有人在一旁「認同」他的這個行為。唯一存在的,只有天父與祂自性表露(Self-expression)之間的關係,它依然純潔如昔。那個妄境還沒有產生同盟,因為天父無法與自己建立一個虛妄的關係。天父的臨在裡不可能有罪咎,因此也不會有羞恥心這一回事。這正是為什麼說,不論我們的行徑有多離譜,只要一接近天父,所有的罪咎與羞愧都能得到赦免。 ~~~~~


I will tell you something: It is only the sense of ego joined with another sense of ego in which the experience of shame or guilt occurs and seems to be real.  Only when Adam partook of the apple—which really meant when he agreed with Eve to act at odds with the Father's Will—did the experience of shame and guilt and the call for forgiveness come into play.



It is not the Father Who blames.  It is not the Father Who holds you or anyone else in a state of loss of grace.  It is not the Father Who hands down a judgment.  It is not the Father who exacts penalty.  What does this mean, then?  It means that egos join together in creating the definition and judgment of shame and guilt which holds everyone guilty.  It is the joining of egos which results in the exaction of a penalty to be paid before one's Birthright and the Kingdom of Heaven can be experienced again.



Do you see why forgiveness is essential to Awakening, and why it is central to the Course?14  It is the withdrawal of judgment, by means of which you hold your fellow man in bondage to his separated sense of himself from the Father.  You see, men hold each other accountable.  It is suggested that you are held accountable for your good works, that you need to handle yourself in a way whereby you can account for yourself as worthwhile, and dependable, and meaningful, and contributive, et cetera.  But this is just a cover-up for the accountability for your sins, for the negative.  After all, if you can have enough gold stars in your portfolio, if you can have enough diplomas, if you can have enough credits, et cetera, then it is by means of this that you absolve yourself of the unstated, untalked-about accountability for your sins, for the mutually-agreed-upon shame which came into play by mutually agreeing to act at odds with the Will of the Father.



So, it has become a worthy endeavor to handle yourself in a way which allows you to account for yourself with pride, rather than having to account for yourself with the feeling of guilt.  But, I will tell you something: It doesn't undo the fundamental accountability for guilt which was caused by, and continues to be maintained by, all attempts to be a good separated human being, instead of letting go of the mutual agreement with other egos to act as though there is not a God; to act as though, indeed, you are bastards, and that you are not the direct and only Self-expression of the Father.



Graduation, literally, is the process by which you do release that fundamental mutual agreement, and the shame, guilt, and associated penalties which are inherent in it.  Graduation is when you say, "Thy Will be done, not mine," and you never, ever again, rely upon your sense of capacity to have a will of your own.  You desire to know the Will of the Father and nothing else, which you do by means of Listening—as you are doing at this very moment as I speak.

因此,正確來說,「畢業」指的是「釋放」的過程,釋放那最根本的秘密協定,釋放羞愧與罪咎,以及與之形影相隨的懲罰。「畢業」表示,你已能夠說出「完成祢的旨意吧,而非我的意願」之刻,而且你從此不再信賴自己有能力作主的那種「感覺」。你唯一渴望獲知的只有天父的旨意,別無其他意願,而獲知的方法即是「聆聽天音」,就像你此刻在聽我說話一樣。 ~~~~


Again, as you have found, this puts you in the middle of an experience which you cannot account for, and which others' demands for you to "account for" cannot be met.  You must understand the dynamics of this coercion to be held accountable—the coercion from your own conditioned thinking and the coercion of the conditioned thinking of those around you.  You must come back at least to the point in the Allegory of Eve having eaten the apple, having been disobedient, but not having joined in relationship yet with any one or anything other than the Father.  Even though she was, shall I say, exploring the act of disobedience, she was still held in the perfection of her inseparable Oneness with the Father, because there had been no joining with another, which was essential in order to establish a "real" sense of separation.  At this point Eve had not embraced and limited herself to the three-dimensional-only frame of reference.



Now, when you are relating to me alone, you are not relating to a person, a personality, a finite sense of self-hood.  You are, as I have said before, relating to That which is standing as the Door also, in full commitment.  And thus, you experience in me the Father's Will expressed.  So, you are, through me, in direct relationship with the Father.



In your willingness to withdraw from mutual agreement with other egos, and to the degree that you are willing to make commitment to withdraw from your best sense of being a human being—a private mind—and join with me, you are joining with the Father, which moves you back into that point in the Allegory where Eve was only existing in relationship to the Father, but had acted at odds with His Will.  This brings you back into your innocence!  Her disobedience is not what made her guilty.  It was the joining in disobedience with another, other than the Father, which produced not only the illusion of shame and guilt, but the whole distorted experience of the Garden of Eden, the Kingdom of Heaven, and Who she really was as God-expressed.



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