人生畢業禮(24)_沒有任何一人能夠為此幻象負責 (下)

提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 日期: 2009/2/16 15:41:42 閱讀: 72

摘要: 我解釋過,夏娃並沒有因為偷吃禁果之舉而淪為罪人,她也沒有因此覺得自己與天父分裂了。所以,她個人的違逆行為並「不足以」營造幻象!同理,你個人種種的行為也不足以營造出幻象,使自己成了罪人,成了迷途的羔羊或墮落的神子!罪惡感以及這種幻覺之所以產生,全是因你與另一人協議好聯手違抗天父,也就是說,你們有了與天父旨意不一致的「共同意圖」。正是這個秘密協定,而非你們的行為本身,賦予了一切幻象具體的實質與外形。



The demand for accountability is a demand for you to declare yourself and your credibility.  But you have no such credibility, and you have no such self.  Your presence is the declaration of God's Presence.  That is the Fact about you, and that cannot be accounted for, humanly speaking.  That cannot be accounted for within the scope of the definitions which the separated sense of self has applied to every aspect of the Kingdom of Heaven, and thus create a confusing and distorted experience of It.

Now, we are going to take this to an even finer point, here.




As I have explained, Eve's eating of the apple did not make her a sinner.  It did not cause her to experience separation from the Father.  Therefore, her individual act of disobedience did not create illusion!  Therefore, your individual acts of disobedience have not created illusion, and have not caused you to be a sinner, a lost, fallen child of God!  The sense of sin and the experience of illusion arise entirely out of a joining with another in agreement to act at odds with the Father—in other words, to have a mutual intent which is incongruent with the Father's Will.  It is in this mutual agreement, and not in the acts, themselves, that all illusion has taken on apparent substance and form.



Do you understand what this means?  It means that no one is responsible for the illusion.  The illusions is, we will say, the mental miasma arising out of a sense of comeraderie, coming forth from a totally false sense of somehow, by virtue of the joining, being able to actually be disobedient to the Father.



It is like two children, hiding out behind the shed, making a cigarette out of corn silks, and sitting there in delight saying, "My father will kill me,"  "My mother would kill me if she knew what we were doing," when the mother and father are absolutely incapable of even becoming angry because their nature is love and it is incomprehensible to them that this silly behavior behind the shed is just cause for judgment of any kind, or that it calls for anything other than just slight amusement at the fantasy of the children.



But, nevertheless, the children, believing their own fantasies, can develop a sense of guilt and fear, which alter their behavior toward their parents and strengthen the behavior of the shared illusion, the shared negative fantasy.  Although their fantasy is not congruent with reality at all, they carry a sense of guilt which their all-wise parents are not laying upon them.  But because of the fearful face they have projected from their childish fantasy upon their parents, they begin to fear the retribution, and the strength of their relationship with their parents becomes replaced with the strength of the relationship they have established between each other by virtue of their shared negative fantasy.



You can see, hereby, that they are suffering not from their individual acts of smoking the corn silks, but are suffering from the faith they have in their shared experience of fantasy, their shared agreement to feel guilty.



As time passes, they will begin to define each other by means of their mutual agreement that they are guilty, having become estranged from their parents by virtue of their fantasized imagination of their parents' anger and retribution.  Then, whenever they might have an inspired feeling of their worth and express it, the other will say, "Who do you think you are?  We both know that you're guilty.  We both know that we are guilty."  And then, if the going gets tough and one of them says, "I think I want to invest less energy in the relationship which is constituted of our mutual ignorance, and I want to go Home, I want to renew my relationship with my father and my mother," that one's own conditioning, together with reinforcement from the other partner, will say, "You cannot do that.  Too much water has gone under the bridge.  Your accumulated actions, based upon your guilt, will make you absolutely unacceptable."



Now, even though actions aren't occurring out behind the shed, the mother and the father in their wisdom and love say, with a smile on their face, "Their suffering is meaningless, and they are welcome home, and we love them as we have all along."



The point is that each one, every single individuality, really only has one relationship, and that relationship is with the Father, Mother God.  And any acts of willfulness have not constituted a sin and cannot cause a sense of separation, and do not create shame, guilt, or the necessity of a penalty being paid.  Therefore, no one is responsible for the sense of shame, or of guilt, or of the necessity for penalty.  No one is responsible for the deluded sense of the Kingdom of Heaven.



Even when two individualities come together and mutually agree to be disobedient, it is not the individuals who create the sense of shame, and guilt, and penalty due a sinner, because they individually remain exactly what they Are—the direct expression of the Father, sinless—although penalty and suffering seem real.  It is all the result of mutually-agreed-upon guilt and attempts from within that framework of guilt to account for oneself intelligently, lovingly, reasonably, so as to overcome the guilt which is only seeming to exist from within the mutual agreement.  You understand that a mutual agreement is an intellectual phenomenon, not a real one.



Indeed, the veil that is to be lifted, is the veil of this mutual agreement—this snickering, gleeful, fearful, thrilling mutual agreement to imagine that one can actually disobey the Father and lose His love, when the Father is Love and is incapable of anything else.  So, Graduation and Awakening amount to withdrawing from the mutual agreement, neglecting to bother to account for oneself—either in order to equal one's inner concept of being a good person or to equal others' definitions of what equals a good person—and, rather, listening within to hear the Father's Voice as It moves across the threshold, moves through the Door that you Are, and letting the chips fall where they may.

No one individual can be accountable for illusion if illusion has arisen out of a mutual agreement to indulge in fantasy and believe that the fantasy is more real than Reality.




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