人生畢業禮(25)_你終於「畢業」了 (上)

提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 日期: 2009/3/25 6:18:13 閱讀: 43

摘要: 你打算將你的命運繫於何人或何物身上呢?你打算將你的信心投注到哪兒去?你又打算信賴誰呢?難道你還想繼續苦撐下去,請小我來幫你渡過眼前難關,等繳清了房租和帳單之後,你「才」安得下心來偶爾探問我一下,跟你的天賦權利連結一會兒?聖經的訓諭是:「你選擇吧!」你該做選擇了!


March 29 1991




Paul:  I need to hear anything you have to say at this time.

Raj:  Paul, the impasse you find yourself at is a temptation—a temptation to take things in your own hands, to revert to your conditioned, historical behavior and means of dealing with situations.  Indeed, this is exactly the time when self-protection is unnecessary!  This is the time when it is unavoidably important for you to insist upon staying in touch with me, just as those circumstances where something unlovely is confronting you are exactly the time that love is called for, and not the typical, habitual, conditioned response of revulsion.




Is the Father presenting you with a threatening experience?  Absolutely not.  Is the Kingdom of Heaven unfolding a crisis?  Inconceivable.  Then, Paul, the fact is that you are not confronted with what your ego, your conditioned thinking, is defining as a crisis, and you are not faced with anything less than the manifestation of Love.



You project doom, based upon ignorance—based upon limited perception.  And is this going to cause you to more firmly depend upon limited perception, especially in light of everything we have been speaking about?  No, indeed.  I will acknowledge that although you have come close to taking action based upon memory and acquired "intelligent" movements of response, you have not acted, and you have insisted upon coming back to me for this conversation before doing anything further.



I will not ever recommend that you take actions which will be detrimental to you—harmful, injurious.  Our relationship is one in which there is only one function.  That function is to reveal, illuminate, and bring forth as conscious experience, your Self—which, of course, means the conscious experience of your union with the Father.  In Biblical terms it does indeed mean letting that mind be in you which was also, and is also, in me.  It means claiming no other mind that can function independent from and at odds with the infinite and only Mind there is, and therefore the infinite and only Identity you could possibly have.  Your ego is self-derived.  Your Consciousness, your Being, is God-derived.



Now, who or what are you going to cast your lot with?  In what are you going to invest your faith?  In what are you going to trust?  Shall we trust the ego just a little bit longer until you get over this hurdle, until your rent is paid and your bills are paid, and then you'll ease up and check in with me once in awhile, connect with your Birthright once in awhile?  The Biblical injunction is, "Choose ye!"  Make the choice!



Paul:  All right.  My next question would be, how do I do that at times other than when I am specifically talking with you like this, or we are engaged in a Workshop, or when people are speaking with you?  How do I do it at times other than those?


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