文章專欄版編/發表於 2010 02/06, 00:08
Q #757 問:「內在小孩」是不是屬於小我的一個面向?療癒內在小孩真的有用嗎?還是會使小我的煙幕更濃厚?


針對「內在小孩」進行心理治療可能鼓勵一個人培養自己的內在小孩,給自己以童年時期未曾從成人那裡(尤其是父母的角色)得到的支持和愛。這樣,這個人開始為自己的生活「負責」,不再覺得繼續演出受害劇本有何罪過。有一點可以肯定,以世界的運作法則來看,療癒「內在小孩」非常有用。不過,如果只停留在這個基礎上,而不再向前推進,以《課程》的觀點看,我們可能只是在助長小我「把受害和迫害角色當真」的企圖,因此可能更難觸及我們心中隱藏的「痛苦和無價值感」的真正源頭(T.27.VII.1 , 2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9)



Q #757: Is the “inner child” an aspect of the ego's composition? Is healing the inner child actually helpful or just more of the ego's smokescreen?

A: The inner child, as typically spoken of and worked with in some therapeutic contexts, would be an aspect of the ego from the perspective of A Course in Miracles . As with everything, its helpfulness as a concept depends on how it is used. It may be used, and typically is, to reinforce the perception that one has been victimized as a child.Now it is true that most of us in various ways feel we were treated unfairly, perhaps even abused, when we were younger and more helpless, and may also feel we carry the scars of those past experiences into our present lives, preventing us from feeling worthy of love and achieving our full potential now. And the Course would not want us to deny that these are our experiences and perceptions.

Therapeutic interventions based on the concept of the inner child may then encourage the individual to nurture his or her inner child, providing oneself the adult support and love that was not provided by the adult figures, typically the parents, during childhood. In that way, one can now take responsibility for one's life and not feel condemned to continue playing out the victim scripts in the present. And certainly, from the perspective of functioning in the world, this can all be very helpful. However, if we go no further than this with the idea, from the Course's perspective we would merely be serving the ego's purpose of keeping the roles of victim and victimizer real and never getting to the real source of the pain and feelings of unworthiness in the mind (T.27.VII.1 , 2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9) .

On the other hand, using the concept of the inner child to identify the victim dynamic within oneself can be a very helpful first step in uncovering the ego's defenses, especially for anyone who may have a tendency to deny difficult feelings and sugarcoat the past, out of guilt and fear over confronting very negative repressed feelings towards family and others.For any genuine healing, as the Course speaks of it, to occur, we need to be able to acknowledge the many ways in which we feel we have been and are being victimized, for only then can we begin to identify the strong attraction we in fact have to such feelings, for they are the great preservers of guilt, seen in someone other than ourselves. And this projection is always the ego's intent in every relationship (T.19.IV.A.10,11,12,13) .

And so, if we see getting in touch with our victimized inner child as a necessary first step in the forgiveness process, but only a first step — since in the end it is only ourselves we need to forgive for wanting to believe we can be deprived of love by anything other than our own choice (T.4.IV.3:3) — the concept can be of great value. For then it will be possible to get in touch with our real inner Child (W.pI.182) !


Categories: 奇蹟課程

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